Context vs. Mutations

In Blocktail, component adaptation happens through two distinct mechanisms: contexts and mutations. While contexts provide stable realities for blocks to exist within, mutations represent localized state changes.

Understanding the Difference

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Contexts create environments where multiple blocks adapt their behavior and appearance. Mutations create specific variations for individual blocks. This separation ensures clear, predictable pattern evolution.

<!-- Context: Creates environment for multiple blocks -->
<main class="context--tech_posts">
  <article class="blog_post">...</article>
  <article class="blog_post">...</article>

<!-- Mutation: Modifies specific block -->
<article class="blog_post --featured">
  <h2 class="-title">Featured Post</h2>

Like a chameleon adapting to its surroundings, blocks respond to their contextual environment:

<body class="matrix--blog">                  <!-- System context -->
  <main class="context--tech_posts">         <!-- Local context -->
    <article class="blog_post">              <!-- Block adapts to both -->
      <h2 class="-title">Tech Post</h2>

Contexts can nest to create layered environments:

<body class="matrix--blog">
  <main class="context--tech_posts">         <!-- Primary context -->
    <section class="context--featured">      <!-- Nested context -->
      <article class="blog_post">            <!-- Adapts to all -->
        <h2 class="-title">Post Title</h2>

Mutations transform individual blocks without affecting their siblings. They act like command-line flags, modifying specific component states:

<main class="context--tech_posts">
  <article class="blog_post --featured">     <!-- Featured state -->
    <h2 class="-title">Featured Post</h2>
  <article class="blog_post">                <!-- Regular state -->
    <h2 class="-title">Regular Post</h2>

Mutations can be combined for complex states:

<article class="blog_post --featured --breaking">
  <h2 class="-title">Breaking News</h2>

Pattern Evolution

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Components maintain clear boundaries while evolving through different states:

<!-- Base Pattern -->
<main class="context--tech_posts">
  <article class="blog_post">
    <h2 class="-title">Post Title</h2>

<!-- With Nested Context -->
<main class="context--tech_posts">
  <section class="context--featured">       
    <article class="blog_post">             <!-- Adapts to new context -->
      <h2 class="-title">Post Title</h2>

<!-- With State Changes -->
<main class="context--tech_posts">
  <section class="context--featured">
    <article class="blog_post --breaking">   <!-- Adds state -->
      <h2 class="-title">Post Title</h2>

Context Variables

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Contexts define environmental characteristics:

/* System-wide variables */
.matrix--blog {
  --spacing: 2rem;
  --accent: #0066cc;

/* Local environment variables */
.context--tech_posts {
  --code_background: #f4f4f4;
  --syntax_highlight: var(--accent);

Mutations define specific component variations:

.blog_post {
  /* Base structure */
  display: grid;
  gap: var(--spacing);
  /* State variations */
  &.--featured {
    border: 2px solid var(--accent);
  &.--breaking {
    background: var(--accent);
    color: white;

Block Superposition

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Contexts and mutations enable blocks to exist in multiple states simultaneously, manifesting differently based on their environment and state flags:

<!-- One block definition, multiple realities -->
<body class="matrix--blog">
  <!-- In tech posts context -->
  <main class="context--tech_posts">
    <article class="blog_post">
      <h2 class="-title">Technical Post</h2>
      <div class="-content">
        <pre class="-code">...</pre>     <!-- Code block appears -->

  <!-- In news context -->
  <main class="context--news">
    <article class="blog_post">          <!-- Same block -->
      <h2 class="-title">News Story</h2>
      <div class="-content">
        <div class="-summary">...</div>  <!-- Summary appears -->

Mutations allow tails to adapt while maintaining their relationship to the parent block:

<div class="grid_layout">
  <!-- Default column -->
  <div class="-column">
    Regular content

  <!-- Wide column -->
  <div class="-column --span_2">
    Wider content

  <!-- Featured column -->
  <div class="-column --featured">
    Featured content
.grid_layout {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
  gap: var(--spacing);

  .-column {
    /* Base column structure */
    padding: var(--spacing);

    /* Column variations through mutations */
    &.--span_2 {
      grid-column: span 2;

    &.--featured {
      background: var(--accent_bg);
      border: 2px solid var(--accent);

This approach to tail variations:

  • Maintains clear parent-child relationships
  • Enables flexible styling without new tails
  • Preserves semantic boundaries
  • Supports component reusability

Contexts and mutations can coexist, each serving their distinct purpose:

<body class="matrix--blog">
  <main class="context--tech_posts">
    <!-- Featured post in tech context -->
    <article class="blog_post --featured">
      <h2 class="-title">Featured Tech Post</h2>
    <!-- Draft post in same context -->
    <article class="blog_post --draft">
      <h2 class="-title">Draft Tech Post</h2>

This separation between environmental adaptation (contexts) and state transformation (mutations) ensures predictable pattern evolution while enabling both broad and specific modifications.